PREGNANT? NEED HELP? CONTACT US: 850-626-6751 or 850-626-2992
Our office is now located at 6375 Highway 90, Ste A in Milton. (right next to A Joyful Noise)
Our office is now located at 6375 Highway 90, Ste A in Milton. (right next to A Joyful Noise)
We have the dream team with the Coalition and service providers working hard at serving our community to meet the needs of expectant and new families.
Healthy Start Florida started with a realization that pregnant women and newborns were not getting the care needed to insure healthy pregnancies, healthy babies. Premature births and infant mortality were high. Because of Healthy Start and providing services to pregnant women and new parents, the number of infant death and preterm delivery has dropped drastically over the last 25 years.
It is the mission of Healthy Start to educate, promote positive birth outcomes, and protect the health and well-being of all women of childbearing age and children up to age three (3) in Santa Rosa County.
The Healthy Start Coalition of Santa Rosa County, Inc. is a local, non profit, 501(c)3 organization that works with moms and babies to ensure they have the services and care they need to live a long and healthy life!
Healthy Start is the foundation for early intervention, child protection, and school readiness programs. A healthy baby saves state tax dollars: for every $1 spent on preventing an unhealthy birth, $6 is saved in neonatal intensive care costs, recurrent hospital and medical expenses paid by Medicaid, exceptional and remedial education, child abuse and neglect investigations, and disability and dependency costs.
Connect Services offer referrals as well as program services HEALTHY START OR HEALTHY FAMILIES. Please call 850-262-2992 for more info, contact Deb @
To receive services, or to refer someone in need, please call 850-626-2992
We have a wonderful network of partners that work to make this community better and help where needed. If you are in need or know someone that is, please give us a call and we'll point you in the right direction.
Here are a few in Santa Rosa County
Pregnancy Support Milton:
Pregnancy Support Navarre
Santa Rosa Medical Classes:
DOH Santa Rosa Health Dept:
DOH Santa Rosa clinic:
The Healthy Start Coalition of Santa Rosa County, Inc has moved!
6375 Highway 90 Ste A (right next to A Joyful Noise)
9 am – 5 pm Monday – Friday
We are often out serving our community.
All incoming lines are forwarded to our cell phones.
Please leave a voicemail or send a text regarding your needs, so we can get back to you as soon as we are free.
Remember: We can take referrals over the phone! We refer to Healthy Start Care Coordinators and Healthy Families Family Support Workers for in-home services. We also link them to any outside community referrals based on their individual needs– do not hesitate to refer!
To receive services, or to refer someone in need, please use this confidential form. click here:
Please use fax line: 850-373-4807 which comes to a secure email address immediately.
For Contact: Please call 850-626-6751 (Healthy Start main line) and leave a message.
For Healthy Start or Connect services, please call the Connect office 850-626-2992
*For all Referrals or Baby Shower related questions, contact: Deb Shuler, Associate Director – 850-626-2992 *For Community Referrals or if you are a Healthy Start Client, looking to become one, or you are a Prenatal Care Provider or Pediatrician with questions regarding screening.
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